Juexin Wang

Principal Investigator

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Dr. Juexin Wang has a long-standing interest in studying machine learning algorithms, tool development, and data analysis in bioinformatics. My academic training and research experience have provided me with an excellent background in multiple bioinformatics disciplines including computer science, statistics, and computational biology. I am currently working on methods development to model single cell and spatial transcriptomics data using graph neural networks. I developed a Graph Neural Network based model for both imputation and cell type clustering basks for single cell data analysis (Wang et al. Nature Communications 2021), and its extension in modeling on spatial transcriptomics (Chang et al. under second revision in Nature Communications). I also proposed a Graph Neural Network based model to learn long-range interactions in proteins from molecular simulations (Zhu et al. Nature Communications 2022) and regulatory inferences in a supervised approach (Wang et al. CSBJ 2020). Additionally, I designed and developed a Bayesian statistical approach together with a computational tool to identify high-order SNP interactions associated with phenotypes at the whole genome level. The subsequent publication (Wang et al BMC Genomics 2015) led to funding offered by Monsanto Company, which applied the method to find gene-combination achieved for crop improvements. Besides method development, I also developed an auto-updating web-service to annotate genomic variants on protein structures (Wang et al Bioinformatics 2018). It is now an official API to support cBioPortal for cancer genomics which has 4,000 visits per day. During my training, I have extensively engaged in scientific works. I served as a peer reviewer for more than 20 peer review journals and meetings, including major journals Briefings in Bioinformatics and Bioinformatics. I also co-organized two special issues as a guest editor.


  • Research Scientist, Xu Lab and Joshi Lab, University of Missouri (2018-2022)
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Xu Lab, University of Missouri (2016-2018)
  • PhD, Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Jilin University, China (2010-2016)
  • Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology, Beijing University of Technology, China (2005)